Konferensbidrag (sida 7 av 12)
- Sundkvist, E. (2013). Methodological Challenges in Times of Change : Egypt, Gender and Political Activity.
- Svensson, M. (2013). Representative Bearers of Tradition: Grassroots Preservation and Official Policies.
- Östlund, J. (2013). Everyday Life in Ottoman Algiers through the eyes of Johan Fredrik Schultze, 1810-1847.
- Östlund, J. (2013). New Sources to the History of Algiers during the Ottoman Era: The Algerian-Swedish documents in the National Archives of Sweden as a source for historical research. Algiers, Scientific International Meeting about the Algerian Scandinavian relations March 12-14.
- Östlund, J. (2013). The presence of Africans in Sweden during the eighteenth century.
- Östlund, J. (2013). The Swedish Involvement in the Trans-Mediterranean Slave Trade, Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy, 11th-18th centuries during the 18th Century. Prato (Italy) 14-18 April.
- Andersson, M. & Engvall, A. (2012). The Dynamics of conflict in Southern Thailand : An analysis of Spatial and Socio- Economic Factors.
- Greatrex, R. (2012). Indigenous Innovation in China and its Protection: the Chinese Automobile Industry.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). Collective Memory and Non-Traditional Security in Sino-Japanese Relations.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). Collective Memory as a Security Issue in Sino-Japanese Relations.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). Dealing with the ‘History Issue’ in Sino-Japanese Relations: Discreetly Negotiating the Content of War Exhibitions.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). Japanese Identity Construction in the Discourse on “Anti-Japan”.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). The Exhibition on the Japanese Military’s Violence Against Women During World War II: Japanese Civil Society Meets Chinese Patriotic Education.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). The Fear of Oblivion: Collective Memory as a Non-Traditional Security Issue in Sino-Japanese Relations.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). The Politics of War Memory in Sino-Japanese Relations: Negotiating the Contents of War Exhibitions.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). Transnational Civil Society and the Politics of Memory in Sino-Japanese Relations: Exhibiting the “Comfort Women” in China.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). War as Heritage in Mainland China: The Guangdong Memorial Hall of the East River Column.
- Larsson, A. (2012). Discoveryverktyg och samsökning - en utvärdering ur ett verksamhetsperspektiv.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2012). Buddhism and Anthropology of Disaster. [Publication information missing].
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2012). Socially Engaged Buddhism: Faith‐inspired drivers of social and political change. I Moksnes, H. & Melin, M. (Red.) Outlook on Civil Society (CSD). Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2012). Transnational mobility of higher education within Asia.
- Lopez Jerez, M. (2012). A framework to examine and measure the impact of colonialism in North and South Vietnam.
- Pissin, A. (2012). Children left behind in rural China: Emotions and behaviour in capitalism.
- Pissin, A. (2012). Children Left Behind in Rural China: Emotions and Behaviour in Capitalism.
- Pissin, A. (2012). Interdependencies of children’s food knowledge and local history: social memory of wild food plants in Yiliang (Yunnan).