Konferensbidrag (sida 12 av 12)
- Zander, U. (1999). Historieförmedlingens villkor.
- Zander, U. (1999). Länge lever Lenin.
- Edgren, L. (1998). The Brotherhood of the Guild? : Conflicts within the Swedish Guild System in the 18th Century. I Núnez, C. E. (Red.) Guilds, economy and society : proceedings of the Twelfth International Economic History Congress (pp. 153-165). Universidad de Sevilla.
- Zander, U. (1998). Gustav Vasa inför eftervärlden i ord och bild.
- Zander, U. (1998). Monument och nationalism.
- Greatrex, R. (1997). Bonpo Tribute Missions to the Imperial Court. I Krasser, H., Much, M., Steinkellner, E. & Tauscher, H. (Red.) Beiträge zur kultur- und geistesgeschichte Asiens (pp. 327-335). Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
- Zander, U. (1997). ”The War without an End”.
- Zander, U. (1996). Minnen av en karolinerkung.
- Zander, U. (1995). The Long Second World War: The Case of Sweden.
- Greatrex, R. (1994). A Brief Introduction to the First Jinchuan War (1747-1749). I Kvaerne, P. (Red.) Tibetan Studies (pp. 247-263). The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo.
- Yassin, B. (1992). The Kurdish question 1941-1947. The Middle East Viewed from the North: Papers from the First Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies, Uppsala 26-29 January 1989, 69-72.
- Greatrex, R. (1988). Sources of Scientific Knowledge in Mediaeval China. I Lanciotti, L. (Red.) CINA (pp. 139-151), 21. IsMEO, Roma.
- Greatrex, R. (1987). On-line Searches in Japanese Databases: A Way to Facilitate Access to Japanese Techno-Economic Information. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Japan Today.