Konferensbidrag (sida 6 av 12)
- Fryksén, G. (2014). Swedish merchants, consuls & beratlıs in Ottoman North Africa and the Levant, 1729–1792.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2014). Remembrance, Commemoration and Memorial Ceremonies in Post-tsunami Thailand.
- Lundberg, B. (2014). Tid för friluftsliv : temporala perspektiv på naturumgänget i den svenska scoutrörelsen ca 1910–60.
- Persson, H. (2014). Att definiera, identifiera och kvalificera kunskapsutveckling i historia.
- Pissin, A. (2014). Children in medieval China.
- Pissin, A. (2014). Demons, women and the body: contextualizing childhood risks in China (7-9th century ACE).
- Pissin, A. (2014). Growing up in your mommy's blog : voices of girls and boys in China.
- Pries, J. & Brink Pinto, A. (2014). The antifascist blockades in Lund 1991-1993 : Shifting repertoires of contention between local cultures of protest and trans-local connections.
- Werner, Y. M. (2014). ‘The Catholic danger’ : Anti-Catholicism and the formation of Scandinavian national identity.
- Zander, U. (2014). Founding Father in the West Wing : John Adams in the Television Era.
- Ang, M. C. (2013). ASEAN and the New North-East Asia.
- Ang, M. C. (2013). Bersih Movement and Political Change in Malaysia.
- Ang, M. C. (2013). Institutions and Social Mobilization.
- Ang, M. C. (2013). Social Mobilization of the Underdogs in a Non-Liberal Democracy.
- Fryksén, G. (2013). The Inner Life of Consulates: Swedish Families in the North African Regencies, c. 1729-1766.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2013). Narratives of Myanmar Female Students' Higher Education in Thailand.
- Liu, J. (2013). From Media Control to Communication Control: Understanding the resilience of authoritarianism in contemporary China.
- Liu, J. (2013). Media and Communication in China in early 21 century: Changes, Continuities, and Challenges.
- Liu, J. (2013). Mobile Activism and Contentious Politics in Contemporary China.
- Liu, J. (2013). Rumor, Mobile Phone, and Resistance in contemporary China.
- Liu, J. (2013). THE COMMUNICATION HAVE-NOTS—Understanding communication control and “counter-publics” in contemporary China.
- Peix Geldart, B. (2013). Svenska syndikalister i Francos arkiv. Kontakter mellan SAC och spanska CNT 1937-38. I Hansson, L. (Red.) Fokus på arbetarhistoria.Texter från arbetarhistorikermötet i Landskrona i maj 2011/ Skrifter från Centrum för Arbetarhistoria 6 (pp. 99-115). Centrum för Arbetarhistoria.
- Persson, H. (2013). Kunskapsutveckling i historia.
- Pissin, A. (2013). Child-Representations of Death and Immortality in Medieval China: Creepy Blessings.
- Stenfeldt, J. (2013). Negotiating the Experience of Communism. Rhetorical Strategies and Uses of History.