Konferensbidrag (sida 9 av 12)
- Andersson, P. (2009). John Wingfield and the Language of Desperation: A Case Study of Working Class Culture in Late Victorian London.
- Andrén, N. (2009). Market Responses to the Global Financial Crisis.
- Avedian, V. (2009). The Legacy of the 1915 Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
- Greatrex, R. (2009). Sixty Years of China’s Intellectual Property Rights Protection.
- Greatrex, R. (2009). Unauthorized Printing and Illegal Publishing: Legislation and cases in Pre-Modern China. I Lodén, T., Löthman, H. & Rydholm, L. (Red.) Chinese Culture and Globalization: History and Challenges fro the 21st Century (pp. 171-190). Stockholm University.
- Greatrex, R. (2009). Well-known Trademarks and Famous Brands: Current legislation and infringement cases.
- Göbel, C. (2009). Adaptive Governance and Uneven Reform Implementation in Rural China.
- Göbel, C. (2009). Competition under Hierarchy: Central-local relations and reform politics in rural China.
- Jönsson, K. (2009). Global governance vs local governance in the field of HIV/AIDS: an analytical framework. I Karlsson, I. & Röing de Nowina, K. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 474-480). Uppsala University.
- Lopez Jerez, M. & Gunnarsson, C. (2009). The Vietnam Land Question - A Reversal of Fortune in Colonial Times?.
- Pissin, A. (2009). Crimes, retribution and filial piety. Justice and children in medieval China.
- Svensson, M. (2009). Public Accountability and Rule of Law in China: Can Investigative Journalism Promote Social Justice and Human Rights?. I Karlsson, I. & Röing de Nowina, K. (Red.) Utsikt mot utveckling - Meeting Global Challenges in Research Cooperation (pp. 183-191). Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development.
- Zander, U. (2009). Fictionalisation of the Holocaust and the Resistance Movement. The Example of Black Book.
- Zander, U. (2009). Oskar Schindler and Raoul Wallenberg – National, European and American Heroes in the Post-War Age of the Holocaust.
- Zander, U. (2009). Raoul Wallenberg as a Film and Television Hero.
- Zander, U. (2009). Swedish Rescue Operations During the Second World War: Accomplishments and Aftermath.
- Gustafsson, T., Brink Pinto, A. & Rydström, J. (2008). Från det folkligaste till det formella: (Hetero)Normativitet i populär sexualupplysning och lagar under första halvan av 1900-talet.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2008). Feminism, Buddhism and Women's Movements in Thailand.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2008). Genus och religion i katastrofsituationer: Exampel från Asien.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2008). Women and the Thai sangha: Gender and Socially Engaged Buddhism.
- Linnarsson, M. (2008). The Swedish postal experience: Learning postal business by military occupation and intellectual merger in seventeenth century Europe. [Host publication title missing], 1-12. ESSHC.
- Lozic, V. (2008). The multicultural turn.
- Mårtensson, K. & Sanders, H. (2008). Pedagogisk skicklighet - vad är det?.
- Zander, U. (2008). Fictionalising War. The Second World War and the Moving Image.
- Östlund, J. (2008). Petitions from Swedish Slaves in Northern Africa in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.