Konferensbidrag (sida 5 av 12)
- Ang, M. C. (2015). Institutions and Social Mobilizations: The Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia (1951—2011)”,.
- Ang, M. C. (2015). Social Resistance in Southeast Asia.
- Ang, M. C. (2015). Social Resistance in Southeast Asia.
- Ang, M. C. (2015). Taiwan Experience and the Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia.
- Ang, M. C. (2015). The Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia.
- Avedian, V. (2015). Memory and Identity Building : A Comparative Study of Post-WWI Turkey and Post-WWII Germany.
- Berggren, L. (2015). Metall och arbetsmiljöfrågorna 1975-2005.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2015). Female Rule in the Indian Ocean World (1300-1900).
- Enestarre, C., Jurlander, E., Andersson, C., Holmin, K. & Reistad, N. (2015). The Library Treasure Hunt: Reach for the Stars. Introducing First Year Students to the Landscape of Scientific Information. I Holl, A., Lesteven, S., Dietrich, D. & Gasperini, A. (Red.) ASP Conference Series (pp. 248-253), 492. Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP).
- Fryksén, G. (2015). Swedish trade and intelligence in the Mediterranean : Consular incentives towards commercial expansion 1723-1763.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2015). Communal Rules and Civil Jurisdiction of Non-ordained Nuns in the Southern Buddhist Tradition of Myanmar-Burma, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2015). Female Buddhist Authority and the Thai Sangha.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2015). Religion in post-disaster recovery.
- Lopez Jerez, M. (2015). Catching-up? The effects of two stylised dynamics of agricultural change in the Asian context.
- Lundberg, B. (2015). Scouting at Home : Family Virtues and Domestic Ideals in the Swedish Scout Movement 1910–1960.
- Nilsson, F. L. (2015). Empty Rights - Human rights in the Swedish upper secondary school curricula 1970-2011.
- Pissin, A. (2015). Chinese children's identities at the intersection of policies, civil society and migration.
- Pissin, A. (2015). Forming identities: policies and self-presentation.
- Sundkvist, E. (2015). Redefining equality in Egypt : Feminist activism in times of change.
- Zander, U. (2015). ”’All I can say is that I saw it, and it is the truth.’ Jan Karski, Poland and the Holocaust 1940–2014”.
- Andersson, P. (2014). The Fustian Swagger : Dress and Body Language in the Self-Presentations of the Lower Classes, c. 1870-1910.
- Ang, M. C. (2014). Institutions and Social Mobilization: The Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia, 1951—2011.
- Ang, M. C. (2014). Introduction.
- Fryksén, G. (2014). Konsulsfamiljen Tulin af Tunisien, 1779-1882.
- Fryksén, G. (2014). Network South : Swedish Consul George Logie as intermediary of trade, diplomacy and covert associations in North Africa and the Mediterranean, c. 1725-1766.