Konferensbidrag (sida 3 av 12)
- Sundkvist, E. (2019). Crossing boundaries of human rights activism in Egypt : Feminist NGOs since the Arab spring.
- Zander, U. (2019). The Memory of the Holocaust in Sweden.
- Andersen Kirkby, J. (2018). Segregation and Sentiment : The Emotional Practices of Apartheid, 1948-1990.
- Enquist Källgren, K. (2018). Begrepp för de sociala formernas historia.
- Greatrex, R. (2018). Anonymity and the Law in Eighteenth Century China.
- Greatrex, R. (2018). Anonymous Writings and Anonymous Accusation in Imperial Chinese Law.
- Greatrex, R. (2018). Entering the Age of China’s New Mode of International Relations.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2018). Buddhism and Resilience in Post-tsunami Thailand.
- Santesson, S., Hetherington, L., Josefsson, G., Lindstedt Cronberg, M., Nillasdotter, K., Smaragdi, M. & Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2018). Studenters skrivande : Brister, förväntningar, ansvar. I Bergqvist Rydén, J. & Larsson, M. (Red.) Om samverkan, mångfald och mellanmänskliga möten : Proceedings från Lunds universitets pedagogiska utvecklingskonferens 2017 (pp. 121-127). Avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling, Lunds universitet.
- Severinsson, E. (2018). Moderna kvinnor – friheten som hot. I Nyström, D. & Overud, J. (Red.) e Report series of the Swedish Association for Women’s and Gender Historians, Gender, History, Futures : Report from the XI Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 19–21 2015. SKOGH.
- Svensson, M. (2018). Photo Sharing on Kuaipai kuaipai : Visions, affordances, individual uses and community building.
- Zander, U. (2018). Utopia, Dystopia or Somewhere In-between? Sweden, the Second World War and the Moral Turn.
- Bechmann Pedersen, S. (2017). On Holiday behind the Iron Curtain : Western Tourism to Communist Europe.
- Edgren, L. (2017). Religionskritik, republik och revolution : Tidningen Fäderneslandet på 1850- och 1860-talen.
- Edgren, L. (2017). Republikanism och antiklerikalism : 'Fäderneslandet' och 'Folkets tidning' omkring 1860.
- Eklund, L. & Thompson, D. (2017). What’s in a Name? The Changing Conceptualisations of ‘Drought’ in Syria.
- Fryksén, G. (2017). George Logie’s “Success”: Entrepreneurial partnership, the practice of international maritime law, and the road to the first Swedish consulate in the Ottoman world, 1725-1731.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2017). Buddhist Nuns in Thailand and Myanmar: Renunciation and Communal Jurisdiction : Communal Rules and Freedom at Thai Nunneries.
- Lindberg Falk, M. (2017). Contemporary Thai Buddhist Nuns: Monastic Discipline and Social Action. I Tsomo, K. L. (Red.) Sakyadhita 15th International Conference on Buddhist Women : Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action (pp. 199-204). Sakyadhita.
- Nilsson Hammar, A. (2017). Digital History Didactics : Challenges and Possibilities of Digitized Cultural Heritage to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
- Santesson, S., Josefsson, G., Lindstedt Cronberg, M., Nillasdotter, K., Smaragdi, M. & Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2017). Studenters skrivande - brister, förväntningar, ansvar.
- Stenfeldt, J. (2017). Ideological Reorientation as a Learning Process : The Case of Sven Olov Lindholm.
- Sturfelt, L. (2017). Calls for compassionate parents and mere children. Gendering the humanitarian narrative of Swedish Save the Children ca. 1919-1925.
- Svensson, M. (2017). Mediated visions: IT entrepreneurs and internet visions in China.
- Zackari, K. (2017). Articulating Human Rights in Thailand in the 1970’s.