Konferensbidrag (sida 10 av 12)
- Östlund, J. (2008). The Use of Emotions in Petitions from Swedish Slaves in Northern Africa in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
- Cheng, V. (2007). Modern War on an Ancient Battlefield: The Diffusion of American Military Technology and Ideas in the Chinese Civil War.
- Cheng, V. (2007). Strategic Disharmony and Grand Strategic Vacuum: Challenging the Traditional Perceptions on China’s Strategic Behaviour. The Second Annual Nordic NIAS Council Conference. Nordic Institue of Asian Studies.
- Dietsch, J. (2007). Conflicting Genocides: Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian Historical Culture.
- Dietsch, J. (2007). Whose Tragic History? Representing Victims in the Ukrainian Holocausts.
- Gustafsson, T. (2007). The American Conception About the Good Bomb.
- Lozic, V. (2007). Historieundervisning i kanons skugga.
- Lozic, V. (2007). History education in a shadow of the canon?.
- Moberg, P. (2007). Questionnaires collected at a Japanese leadership institute: An analysis based on Bourdieu’s concept of capital.
- Persson, B. (2007). Vem fick lov att fly från en smittad ort? Vem måste stanna kvar?. The XXIst Nordic Medical History Congress 13 – 16 June 2007 in Umeå, Sweden. Program/Abstracts, 70-70. Västerbottens Medicinhistoriska Förening, Nordic Association for Medical History.
- Rydström, H. (2007). Gendered Violences.
- Zander, U. (2007). Regions of Commemoration – The Case of the Baltic Sea.
- Gustafsson, T. (2006). The Visual Re-creation of Black People in a "White" Country: Oscar Micheaux in Swedish Film Culture in the 1920s.
- Persson, M. C. (2006). Back in Business?- Returning emigrants and entrepreneurship in rural Sweden 1880-1930.
- Persson, M. C. (2006). Did Carl Johnson emigrate to America or not? : A reexamination of the sources of the swedish emigration to America and their usage in swedish historical research.
- Persson, M. C. (2006). Från självhushåll till konsumtionssamhälle – Återvändande amerikaemigranter och nyföretagande i nordvästskåne 1870-1930.
- Ulvros, E. H. (2006). Female and male in the culture of dance. The development through 400 years. I Lundborg, N. (Red.) Proceedings : 8th international NOFOD Conference, january 12-15 2006, Stockholm Sweden. NOFOD.
- Abdulsomad, K. (2005). The Return of European Automobile Industry Investment and Technology Transfer in ASEAN.
- Dietsch, J. (2005). Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian Historical Cultures.
- Dietsch, J. (2005). Images of Totalitarianism in Ukraine.
- Dietsch, J. (2005). Imagining the Missing Neighbours.
- Dietsch, J. (2005). The Destruction of the European Jewry in Ukrainian Historical Culture.
- Gustafsson, T. (2005). A New Perspective on Americanisation - Interactions between Sweden and America in Swedish Film Culture in the 20s.
- Gustafsson, T. (2005). Spelfilmen som historisk källa - några teoretiska överväganden.
- Persson, M. C. (2005). Money talks? : Social mobility among Swedish-American returnees 1900-1930.