Konferensbidrag (sida 1 av 12)
- Boje Mortensen, T. (2024). Intergenerational Equity in India's National Green Tribunal.
- Boje Mortensen, T. & Lantz, E. (2024). Re-thinking civil society in a polarised world : The importance of being both duty-bearers and rights-holders.
- Forsberg, E. (2024). Conference report.
- Zander, U. (2024). Dorf = Ohlendorf? The portrait of a genocidal killer in Holocaust: The Story of the Family Weiss (1978).
- Zander, U. (2024). The Jewish Press and the Holocaust: The Swedish Case.
- Östling, J. (2024). Kunskapens rörelser i offentligheten : Historiska reflexioner över samtiden. I Santesson, S. & Andersson, S. (Red.) Lifelong Learning and Higher Education : New (and Old) Perspectives (pp. 101-107). Lund University.
- Auikool, C. (2023). Historical Memories of Aceh Chinese from 1965 to 2005.
- Auikool, C. (2023). Photographing Chinese Indonesian Communities : Memory and Social Change in Post-conflict Aceh.
- Forsberg, E. (2023). “With blessings and well-wishes.” : The Swedish diplomats’ micro-mobility during the early decades of the 18th century.
- Forsberg, E. (2023). Det Svenska Sändebudet : Vem, var, och varför? En prosopografisk översikt över svenska diplomater 1680–1740.
- Forsberg, E. J. (2023). "Folket här är Nyfiket" : Den Svenska Diplomatkåren 1680-1750.
- Graf, S. (2023). Making memories of an unfolding war : Virtuality and the emerging assemblage of the Ukrainian Meta History: Museum of War.
- Graf, S. (2023). Remembering the present, imagining the future : Temporalities of Ukrainian Virtual War Museums.
- Linderoth, K. (2023). Cultures of Solidarity in the 2003 Municipal Workers' Union Strike.
- Linderoth, K. (2023). Cultures of solidarity in the 2003 Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union strike.
- Linderoth, K. (2023). När gränsen är nådd : Proteststrejker i svensk välfärd 1980-1990.
- Mortensen, T. (2023). Human rights as social service : vernacular rights cultures in a rights-based and neoliberal India.
- Mortensen, T. B. (2023). Children of the Rights Revolution : The Role of Children’s Rights in India’s Rights-based Legislation 2004-2014.
- Persson, H. (2023). Framtiden är inte vad den har varit : Temporaliteter i Sverige - exemplet historieämnets styrdokument 1919-2011.
- Zander, U. (2023). Är inte vår tid märkvärdig? Temporaliteter i debatter om skolans historieämne.
- Cordes, M. J. (2022). Reviving and Adjusting Pre-War Myths on East Prussia in Contemporary Kaliningrad Oblast and in Memory Politics of Russian Authorities.
- Forsberg, E. J. (2022). "Of the Finest Quality" : The Swedish Diplomats’ role within global consumption 1710-1740.
- Forsberg, E. J. (2022). (O)möjligheter : Den papperslösa diplomaten Carl Gyllenborgs agens 1715.
- Freitas de Souza, C. (2022). 2019 Chilean Grassroots Movement : Citizens Uprising and Spaces Appropriation in the rendering of Social Transformations.
- Freitas de Souza, C. (2022). Decolonizing Human Rights : A Feminist Grassroots Approach to a Western Agenda.