Bokkapitel (sida 9 av 49)
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- Haikola, K. (2020). Objects, Interpretants, and Public Knowledge : The Media Reception of a Swedish Future Study. I Östling, J., Larsson Heidenblad, D. & Nilsson Hammar, A. (Red.) Forms of Knowledge : Developing the History of Knowledge (pp. 265-283). Nordic Academic Press.
- Halldenius, L. (2020). Mänskliga rättigheter som motstånd. I Rahm, H., Dunér, D., Hidal, S. & Jonsson, B. (Red.) Skrifter, I Pallas Athenas huvud : hundra år av humaniora. Makadam förlag.
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- Jansson, A. (2020). The city, the church, and the 1960s : On secularization theory and the Swedish translation of Harvey Cox’s The Secular City. I Östling, J., Olsen, N. & Larsson Heidenblad, D. (Red.) Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia : Actors, Arenas, and Aspirations (pp. 173-190). Routledge.
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- Kolbe, W. (2020). Organisierte Trauer : Kriegsgräberfahrten des Volksbundes Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge seit 1950. I Bajohr, F., Drecoll, A. & Lennon, J. J. (Red.) Dark Tourism : Reisen zu Stätten von Krieg, Massengewalt und NS-Verfolgung (pp. 127-142). Metropol Verlag.
- Kolbe, W. (2020). Strandburgen: Eine deutsche Lust? : Zum Strandurlaub seit dem späten neunzehnten Jahrhundert. I Breidenbach, C., Fröhler, T., Pensel, D., Simon, K., Telsnik, F. & Wittmann, M. (Red.) spectrum Literaturwissenschaft / spectrum Literature, Narrating and Constructing the Beach : An Interdisciplinary Approach (pp. 236-254), 68. De Gruyter.
- Larsson Heidenblad, D. (2020). Financial Knowledge : A Rich New Venture for Historians of Knowledge. I Östling, J., Larsson Heidenblad, D. & Nilsson Hammar, A. (Red.) Forms of Knowledge : Developing the History of Knowledge (pp. 47-58). Nordic Academic Press.
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