Bokkapitel (sida 16 av 49)
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- Crawford, G., Kruckenberg, L. J., Loubere, N. & Morgon, R. (2017). Global Development Fieldwork: A Relational Perspective. I Crawford, G., Kruckenberg, L. J., Loubere, N. & Morgon, R. (Red.) Understanding Global Development Research: Fieldwork Issues, Experiences and Reflections (pp. 3-24). SAGE Publications.
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- Halldenius, L. (2017). Discrimination and Irrelevance. I Lippert-Rasmussen, K. (Red.) Routledge Handbooks in Applied Ethics, The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Discrimination (pp. 108-118). Routledge.
- Halldenius, L. (2017). Mary Wollstonecraft and Freedom as Independence. I Broad, J. & Detlefsen, K. (Red.) Women and Liberty, 1600-1800 : Philosophical Essays. Oxford University Press.
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