Artiklar (sida 7 av 31)
- Daybell, J., Norrhem, S., Broomhall, S., van Gent, J. & Akkerman, N. (2021). Gender and Materiality in Early Modern English Gloves. Sixteenth Century Journal, 52, 571-606. Kirksville, Mo.: The Sixteenth Century Journal.
- Ericsson, M. (2021). What Happened to 'Race' in Race Biology? The Swedish State Institute for Race Biology, 1936-1960. Scandinavian Journal of History, 46, 125-148. Routledge.
- Falk, M. L. (2021). Buddhism and resilience in post-Tsunami Thailand. Journal of Global Buddhism, 22, 157-171. University of Lucerne.
- Fryksén, G. (2021). Kavaljeren från Lautzen. Frans G. Bengtsson-sällskapets årsskrift, 35, 19-46. Frans G. Bengtsson-sällskapet.
- Green, F. & Brandstedt, E. (2021). Engaged Climate Ethics. Journal of Political Philosophy, 29, 539-563. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gustafsson, H. (2021). Nationalhistoria : wie es eigentlich gewesen. Temp – tidsskrift for historie, 210-212. Nyt Selskab for Historie.
- Halberg, R. L. (2021). En caribisk barnepiges breve, 1871. Historisk Tidskrift, 141, 510-522. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Halldenius, L. (2021). De Grouchy, Wollstonecraft, and Smith on Sympathy, Inequality, and Rights. Australasian Philosophical Review, 3, 381-391. Taylor & Francis.
- Halldenius, L. (2021). Den andra Rawls. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, 25, 29-40. Thales.
- Halldenius, L. (2021). Revisiting Ancient and Modern Liberty : On de Dijn’s Freedom: An Unruly History. European Journal of Political Theory, 21, 197-207. SAGE Publications.
- Halme-Tuomisaari, M. (2021). Toward Rejuvenated Inspiration with the Unbearable Lightness of Anthropology. AJIL Unbound, 115, 283-288. Cambridge University Press.
- Halme-Tuomisaari, M. & Rapin, A. (2021). “Minä olen joki, joki on minä” – ympäristö, ihmisoikeudet ja ontologinen muutos : Ympäristö, ihmisoikeudet ja ontologinen muutos. Oikeus, 2021, 559-570.
- Hammar, I. & Östling, J. (2021). Introduction: The Circulation of Knowledge and the History of Humanities. History of Humanities, 6, 595-602. University of Chicago Press.
- Hammarfelt, B., Hammar, I. & Francke, H. (2021). Ensuring Quality and Status : Peer Review Practices in Kriterium, A Portal for Quality-Marked Monographs and Edited Volumes in Swedish SSH. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Heilo, O. (2021). Postscript : The Meaning of Ruins. Convivium, Supplementum, 194-199. Masaryk University.
- Isacsson, A. (2021). Dynastisk centralisering i 1560-talets Sverige : "Reservens dilemma" och hertigarnas resning 1568. Scandia, 87, 11-37. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Jansson Scherman, I. (2021). Blod, jord och rättvisa : Idéer och uppfattningar under den åländska självstyrelsens första decennier. Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 106, 564-593. Historiska föreningen r.f..
- Kirkby, J. (2021). Fra følelsernes historie til følelser i historien. Scandia, 87, 89-106. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Kolata, P. & Gillson, G. (2021). Feasting with Buddhist Women : Food Literacy in Religious Belonging. Numen, 68, 567-592. Brill.
- Kong, S. T. & Loubere, N. (2021). Digitally Down to the Countryside : Fintech and Rural Development in China. Journal of Development Studies. Taylor & Francis.
- Larsson Heidenblad, D. (2021). Environmental History in the 1960s? : An Unsuccessful Research Application and the Circulation of Environmental Knowledge. History of Humanities, 6, 635-647. University of Chicago Press.
- Ljungberg, J. (2021). Threatening Piety : Perceptions and interpretations of Pietist activities during the early phase of Sweden’s Age of Liberty, 1719–1726. Pietismus und Neuzeit: Ein Jahrbuch zur Geschichte des neueren Protestantismus, 45, 27-47. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Loughlin, N. & Norén Nilsson, A. (2021). Introduction to Special Issue : The Cambodian People’s Party’s Turn to Hegemonic Authoritarianism: Strategies and Envisaged Futures. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 43, 225-240. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
- Lundberg, B. (2021). Running on Air : Radio and the Experience of Drama in the Swedish ‘Gunder Hägg mania’ of 1941–45. Media History, 27, 510-524. Routledge.
- Lundberg, B. (2021). Utveckling på en ändlig planet : Ett dilemma i svensk biståndshistoria. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 123, 365-388. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.