Artiklar (sida 3 av 31)
- Clark, E. & Pissin, A. (2023). Potential rents vs. potential lives. Environment and Planning A, 55. Pion Ltd.
- Cordes, M. J. (2023). Central and Eastern Europe’s Balancing Act. Pulaski Policy Paper, 1-7.
- Cordes, M. J. (2023). Poland and the advocacy for a wider Central and Eastern Europe. Pulaski Policy Paper.
- Davoliūtė, V. & Rudling, O. (2023). The Rustic Turn during Late Socialism and the Popular Movement against Soviet Rule. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 65, 30-51. Princeton University Press.
- Ekberg, K. & Brink Pinto, A. (2023). Crafting counter frames : Shell's corporate strategies in the Nigeria campaign, 1995–1998. The Extractive Industries and Society, 13. Elsevier.
- Fedorchenko-Kutuev, P. & Kiryukhin, D. (2023). THE CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY : THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ISSUES IN THE TIMES OF SYSTEMIC ANTAGONISM. INTRODUCTION. Ideology and Politics Journal, 4-9. Foundation for Good Politics.
- Gerner, K. (2023). How and why did Estonia succeed? Exploring the long-lasting grip of the Soviet period. Baltic Worlds, 16, 127-129. CBEES.
- Gustafsson, H. (2023). Banal placemaking : spatial conceptions in an Icelandic provincial newspaper in the 1880s. Scandinavian Journal of History, 48, 299-318. Routledge.
- Hammar, I. & Östh Gustafsson, H. (2023). Futures of the History of the Humanities : An Introduction. History of Humanities, 8, 177-187. University of Chicago Press.
- Harrison, D. (2023). Att skriva biografier. Personhistorisk tidskrift, 119, 125-143. Stockholm: Personhistoriska samfundet..
- Husz, O. & Larsson Heidenblad, D. (2023). The Making of Everyman’s Capitalism in Sweden : Micro-Infrastructures, Unlearning, and Moral Boundary Work. Enterprise & Society, 24, 425-454. Oxford University Press.
- Kiryukhin, D. (2023). Russia's Policy towards Donbas Since 2014 : The Nation-Building Process and Its Ideology. Russian Politics, 8, 147-164. Brill.
- Kiryukhin, D. (2023). The Eluding Dreams : Ukraine and the crisis of democratic participation. Ideology and Politics Journal, 23, 35-56. Foundation for Good Politics.
- Kiryukhin, D. (2023). The Philosophical Process in Post-Soviet Ukraine. Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 259, 283-322. Ibidem-Verlag.
- Kolata, P. (2023). Navigating inclusion : ‘home-making’ in the UK Shin Buddhist community. State, Religion and Society, 283-283. Routledge.
- Larsson Heidenblad, D. & Nilsson, C. (2023). Ungdomslivets finansialisering: Skapandet av en aktiekultur för och av unga i Sverige, 1985–1994. Historisk Tidsskrift, 142, 564-593. Universitetsforlaget.
- Lavička, M. (2023). Magdaléna Rychetská, Uneasy Encounters : Christian Churches in Greater China, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 198 s. Religio, 31, 181-184. Masaryk University.
- Lundberg, B. (2023). I svårforcerad terräng är en karta som viktigast : Om att navigera genom historievetenskapens postdoktorala fas. Historisk Tidskrift, 143, 594-601. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Nilsson Hammar, A. & Norrhem, S. (2023). Knowing how : Estate Management, Practical Knowledge, and Agency among Aristocratic Women in Early Modern Sweden. Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17, 328-353. University of Maryland.
- Norén Nilsson, A. (2023). Liberalism in Cambodia : Broken Lineages. Asian Studies Review, 47, 54-68. Taylor & Francis.
- O'shea, P. & Maslow, S. (2023). The 2020/2021 Tokyo Olympics : Does Japan get the gold medal or the wooden spoon?. Contemporary Japan, 35, 16-34. Taylor & Francis.
- Pils, E. & Zeng, J. (2023). 抗议的伦理 : 从非暴力运动、非文明抗争到#MeToo 运动. China Journal of Democracy, 1, 44-55.
- Rhoads, E. (2023). Citizenship Denied, Deferred and Assumed : A Legal History of Racialized Citizenship in Myanmar. Citizenship Studies, 27. Taylor & Francis.
- Riving, C. (2023). Främling för sig själv : En narrativ och fenomenologisk analys av psykiatriska patienters berättelser 1890. Historisk Tidskrift, 143, 294-321. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Riving, C. (2023). Hypnotismens apostel : Om Carl Hansen och det sena 1800-talets kunskapskultur. Lychnos. Årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria, 2023, 11-44. Lärdomshistoriska samfundet, Uppsala universitet.