Artiklar (sida 13 av 31)
- Edwards, D. & Svensson, M. (2017). Show us life and make us think: engagement, witnessing and activism in independent Chinese documentary today. Studies in Documentary Film, 11, 161-169. Taylor & Francis.
- Ericsson, M. (2017). 'Såsom det brukas med tattare' : Kollektivt våld mot familjer utpekade som tattare eller zigenare 1872-1955. Historisk Tidskrift, 137, 37-63. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Ericsson, M. (2017). Alkoholistvården och "tattarfrågan" : Kunskapsproduktion och maktutövning i kommunal socialpolitik cirka 1930-1960. Scandia, 83, 41-64. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Ericsson, M. (2017). Common starting points, different directions. Assimilation policies for 'Travelling families' in Norway, Sweden and Finland c. 1850-1900. Scandinavian Journal of History, 42, 96-121. Routledge.
- Gustafsson, H. (2017). The Forgotten Union : Scandinavian dynastic and territorial politics in the 14th century and the Norwegian-Swedish connection. Scandinavian Journal of History, 42, 560-582. Routledge.
- Hammar, I. (2017). Klassisk karaktär. Den moraliska samhällsnyttan av klassiska studier, ca 1807–1828. Historisk Tidskrift, 137, 607-639. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Isacsson, A. (2017). Ceremonies and Rituals. The Court Historian, 22, 90-91. Routledge.
- Karlsson, K.-G. (2017). Historiska hubileer - det förflutna som förbannelse eller livgivare : Om vår fascination inför de jämna åren. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 119, 645-676. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.
- Karlsson, K.-G. (2017). Introduktion. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 119, 639-644. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.
- Karlsson, K.-G. (2017). Revolutionsåret 1917 : Slagorden ledde inte till frihet. Populär Historia, 27-34. Bonnier Publications International.
- Kolbe, W. (2017). Trauer und Tourismus : Reisen des Volksbundes Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge 1950-2010. Zeithistorische Forschungen, 14, 68-92. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Larsson Heidenblad, D. (2017). Avtäckningsmodellen: En undervisningsform med framtiden för sig?. Scandia, 83, 101-110. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Larsson Heidenblad, D. & Hammar, I. (2017). A Classical Tragedy in the Making : Rolf Edberg’s Use of Antiquity and the Emergence of Environmentalism in Scandinavia. International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 24, 219-232. Springer.
- Loubere, N. (2017). China’s Internet Finance Boom and Tyrannies of Inclusion. China Perspectives, 2017, 9-18. Hong Kong: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China.
- Loubere, N. (2017). L’essor de la Finance sur Internet en Chine et les Tyrannies de l’inclusion. Perspectives Chinoises, 2017, 11-11.
- Loubere, N. (2017). Questioning Transcription: The Case for the Systematic and Reflexive Interviewing and Reporting (SRIR) Method. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 18. The Institute for Qualitative Research and the Center for Digital Systems, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Loubere, N. & Franceschini, I. (2017). Beyond the Great Paywall : A Lesson from the Cambridge University Press China incident. Made in China: A Quarterly on Chinese Labour, Civil Society, and Rights, 2, 64-66.
- Ottosson, M., Matiaske, W. & Fietze, S. (2017). Digital Working Life : Some Introductory Remarks. Management Revue, 28, 275-280. Rainer Hampp Verlag.
- Palmstierna, M., Frangou, A., Wallette, A. & Dunbar, R. (2017). Family counts : deciding when to murder among the Icelandic Vikings. Evolution and Human Behavior, 38, 175-180. Elsevier.
- Palmstierna, M., Frangou, A., Wallette, A. & Dunbar, R. (2017). Family counts : deciding when to murder among the Icelandic Vikings. Evolution and Human Behavior, 38, 175-180. Elsevier.
- Rudling, P. A. (2017). Obucheniie ubiistvu : Shutsmanshaft batal'on 201 i hauptman Roman Shukhevych v Belorussii v 1942-om godu. Forum noveishei vostochnoevropeiskoi istorii i kul'tury, 14, 253-270.
- Rudling, P. A. (2017). Yushchenko's Fascist : The Bandera Cult in Ukraine and Canada. Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 3, 129-178. Ibidem-Verlag.
- Småberg, M. (2017). Mission and Cosmopolitan Mothering : Saving Armenian Mothers and Orphans, 1902-1947. Social Sciences and Missions, 30, 44-73. Brill.
- Svensson, M. (2017). Digitally Enabled Engagement and Witnessing: The Sichuan Earthquake on Independent Documentary film. Studies in Documentary Film, 11, 200-216. Taylor & Francis.
- Svensson, M. (2017). The Networked China Researcher. Asiascape: Digital Asia, 4, 76-102. Brill.