Articles (page 1 of 31)
- Brink Pinto, A. (2025). Boendehygien i välfärdsstaden : Problematiseringar av bostadsfrågan i Malmö ca. 1900–1910. Historisk Tidskrift, 145, 3-32. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Gustafsson, J. & Ericsson, M. (2025). The Swedish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 1961–1967 : Political Time Orientation and Worldview. Scandinavian Journal of History, 50, 77-99. Routledge.
- Ivarsson, S., Hongsaton, P. & Zackari, K. (2025). Going Beyond the Tropes of ‘Friendship’ and ‘Modernization’ : Internal Colonialism in Siam and Scandinavia in the Age of Empire. Scandinavian Journal of History, 50, 52-76. Routledge.
- Lundberg, B. (2025). Idrottsbiografin bortom hjältemyten. Idrott, historia och samhälle, 43, 106-120. Svenska idrottshistoriska föreningen.
- Ploeg, S. & Vesterlund, E. (2025). Opinion Polls across Boundaries : The Early History of Northwestern European Opinion Polling beyond National Borders and Disciplinary Frameworks. Contemporary European History, 1-18. Cambridge University Press.
- Smedberg, C. F. (2025). “A New Type of Aristocracy” : Envisioning Educational Divides in the Swedish Conservative Party during the Birth of the Post-Industrial Society, ca. 1965–1972. History of Education, 54, 76-95. Taylor & Francis.
- Zeng, J. (2025). Digitalizing Xianchang: documentary experiments on Shanghai COVID lockdown. Studies in Documentary Film, 1-22. Taylor & Francis.
- Andersson, H., Brandstedt, E. & Torpman, O. (2024). Review article: the ethics of population policies. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP), 27, 653-658. Taylor & Francis.
- Batterbury, S. P. J., Pia, A. E., Weilander, G. & Loubere, N. (2024). Against Book Enclosures : Moving Towards More Diverse, Humane and Accessible Book Publishing. Area. LAR.
- Bergman, M. & Dackling, M. (2024). Between deplorable anachronism and valuable heritage. The persistence of the Swedish fideikommiss institution, 1810-1964. Scandinavian Journal of History, 49, 92-113. Routledge.
- Brandstedt, E., Busch, H., Lycke, E. & Ramasar, V. (2024). Winds of change: An engaged ethics approach to energy justice. Energy Research & Social Science, 110. Elsevier.
- Dunbar, R. I. & Wallette, A. (2024). Are there fitness benefits to violence? The case of medieval Iceland. Evolution and Human Behavior, 45. Elsevier.
- Edelgaard Christensen, K. (2024). Regimet efter ’Fireburn’ : Magt, kapitalisme og den globale arbejderhistorie set fra St. Croix. Arbejderhistorie: tidsskrift for historie, kultur og politik, 2024. Selskabet til Forskning i Arbejderbevaegelsens Historie.
- Ericsson, M. (2024). Debatten om tennismatchen mot Rhodesia 1968 : Ett bidrag till den svenska idrottens utrikespolitiska historia. Idrott, historia och samhälle, 43, 29-48. Svenska idrottshistoriska föreningen.
- Ericsson, M. (2024). Tennisblockaden i Båstad 1968 : Vänsteraktivism och motmobilisering. Historisk Tidskrift, 144, 3-32. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Ericsson, M. & Gustafsson, J. (2024). Kampanjen mot atomvapen och det tidiga 1960-talets svenska protestrepertoar. Scandia, 90, 85-114. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Graf, S. (2024). Instant memories of the Russian war against Ukraine – mapping the virtual Meta History: Museum of War. Memory, Mind & Media, 3, 1-20. Cambridge University Press.
- Halberg, R. L. (2024). Ann M. Beaudhuy's Letters. Journal of Caribbean History, 58, 54-68.
- Halberg, R. L. (2024). Nina Bang var Danmarks første kvindelige minister. Men var hun også feminist?. Arbejderhistorie: tidsskrift for historie, kultur og politik, 2024, 234-243. Selskabet til Forskning i Arbejderbevaegelsens Historie.
- Hammar, I. (2024). A Smorgasbord of Print : The Development of Scholarly Publishing in the Swedish humanities, c. 1840–1880. History of European Ideas. Pergamon Press Ltd..
- Isacsson, A., Lancaster, J. & Bagerius, H. (2024). Het diskussion och utmanande tystnad : Att lära sig att leda samtal om identitet, sexualitet och relationer. Högre utbildning, 14, 82-89. Swednet.
- Ko Ko, A., Rhoads, E., Tinilarwin, N., Win Bo Aung, & Yoon Thiri Khaing, (2024). Beyond Federalism? : Inclusion, Citizenship, and Minorities Without Territory in Myanmar's Spring Revolution. Journal of Contemporary Asia. Taylor & Francis.
- Koo, Y. (2024). The Paradoxical Development of Liberal Governance : International Adoption Policy and Professional Social Work in Authoritarian South Korea, 1953–1976. Journal of Social History. Oxford University Press.
- Laursen, O. B. (2024). Agnes Smedley and the Indian anarchists in Weimar Berlin. South Asian History and Culture, 15, 283-296. Routledge.
- Lundberg, B. (2024). Youth Activism and Global Awareness : The Emergence of the Operation Dagsverke Campaign in 1960s Sweden. Contemporary European History, 33, 546-560. Cambridge University Press.