Kurs 7,5 högskolepoäng • COSM53
The course examines international relations in East and Southeast Asia.
Initially, the course covers the fundamental theories of international relations and then provides a brief historical overview, with an emphasis on the post-war period.
Subsequently, the course focuses on the following key regional issues: power rivalry, identity and historical memory, territorial disputes, and non-traditional security issues such as public diplomacy, “soft power,” and environmental and food security.
The primary focus of the course is a series of in-depth case studies that define the region today. These include the territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas, the North Korean nuclear issue, Japan’s shift away from pacifism, the relationship between China and Taiwan, and the past, present, and future involvement of the United States and its military bases in the region.
The course relies on active student participation, and students develop their ability to critically evaluate and develop theoretically informed analyses of these case studies and their dynamics.
Information om ingående delar
- Storstrategi, geopolitik och Östasiens framtid: Seminarieuppgift , 2,5 hp
- Storstrategi, geopolitik och Östasiens framtid: Hemprov , 5 hp