
Kurs 15 högskolepoäng • COSM25

This course will give you insight into contemporary South-East Asia and its dynamic developments. The course addresses the region’s political systems and developments, socio-economic issues and struggles, the role of religion, and different aspects of contemporary culture. Apart from addressing broader regional issues it also analyses the situation in more detail in specific countries, such as for example Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. It is of particular interest to students interested in global affairs and development issues.

Kurstillfälle: vårterminen 2024
Studiesätt: heltid, dagtid
Kursperiod: 2024-01-15 – 2024-03-19
Kursspråk: engelska
Anmälningskod: LU-59652
Behörighet: kandidatexamen i samhällsvetenskap eller humaniora. Engelska 6/Engelska B.

Lärare: Chontida Auikool, Kimhean Hok, Elizabeth Rhoads

Information om ingående delar

  1. Individuellt seminariepapper I , 4,5 hp
  2. Individuellt seminariepapper II , 4,5 hp
  3. Individuellt hemprov , 6 hp
Sidansvarig: sofia.hermanssonhist.luse | 2020-06-15