Uppmaningen har skapat debatt bland Victorianists på Journal of Victorian Culture Online. Se bloggen här: blogs.tandf.co.uk/jvc/tag/peter-k-andersson/
Hela Peters artikel finns i att läsa i fulltext <link http: www.tandfonline.com doi full>här.
Abstract: This article addresses the role of the ‘civilizing process’ in the historiography of the Victorian period. The author develops a critique of perspectives that deem the nineteenth century to be an era of discipline and self-restraint, arguing that these result from the hegemonic position of literary perspectives within Victorian Studies and their frequent reliance on Foucauldian-inspired techniques of discourse analysis. In response, he outlines and illustrates the potential for alternative research agendas and approaches that move away from representational sources in order that the Victorian period can be viewed in a new light. These include the study of vernacular photography, cultures of leisure, and the subcultures of groups where the importance of ‘nonverbal’ practices and the cultures inherent in bodily experiences are highlighted – forms of expression that reach beyond established discourse. It is argued that the failure of scholars of the Victorian period to consider this ‘nonverbal’ culture means that the theoretical frameworks of comprehension that currently characterize Victorian Studies are underdeveloped. The essay calls for Victorianists to broaden their theoretical perspectives, engage with new sources, and embrace new methodologies in order to enlarge our understanding of nineteenth-century culture.
How Civilized Were the Victorians?
Publicerad den 7 mars 2016

Peter K Andersson uppmanar sina kollegor att vidga sina teoretiska vyer, använda nya källor, och anamma nya metodgrepp i debattartikel "How Civilized Were the Victorians?", publicerad i senaste numret av Journal of Victorian Culture (vol 24, 2015).
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