The graduate school is a collaboration with the Stockholm Center for Global Asia at Stockholm University, and the Center for Asian Studies at Stockholm School of Economics. Additional partners are the Department of Languages and Literatures at Gothenburg University and the Asia Program and the Swedish National China Centre at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
The graduate school will begin its activities in 2023 and is open to doctoral students from all Swedish universities working on contemporary issues in East and South-East Asia. It also welcomes doctoral students from other universities outside of Sweden depending on the availability of places in courses/events and resources. The graduate school will provide and organize a range of activities such as:
- jointly developed interdisciplinary doctoral courses
- regular research seminars/webinars
- thematic days and workshops
- an annual graduate school meeting
- a mobility programme
- a mentor programme and career events
The application deadline for the spring semester PhD course "Research ethics and fieldwork in an authoritarian context" (3 credits) is 18 January. For more information visit the PhD courses webpage.
The application deadline to be a visiting PhD at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies in Lund is 18 January. For more information visit the mobility webpage
Please see here for more information on the Graduate school, or contact the coordinator Marina Svensson.