Svante har även, tillsammans med Peter Lindström, skrivit texten ‘Diplomats and Kin Networks: Diplomatic Strategy and Gender 1648-1740’.
James Coons (Miami University, USA) tyckte så här om boken:
"Daybell and Norrhem have provided a set of studies that are at once wide-ranging, and tightly connected by the issues of women’s often-overlooked roles in the exercise of power. This will be a valuable volume for undergraduates, graduates, and scholars alike, addressing issues of archives, material culture, the varieties of "soft" power, and global comparisons, which in total builds a compelling case for the centrality of gender and women’s roles in ruling."
Läs mer om <link https: gender-and-political-culture-in-early-modern-europe-1400-1800 daybell-norrhem p book>Gender and Political Culture in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800.
Gender and Political Culture - om politisk kultur i tidigmoderna Europa. Ny bok ute nu!
Publicerad den 30 september 2016
Svante Norrhem är en av redaktörerna för den nya antologin Gender and Political Culture in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800, (eds. James Daybell & Svante Norrhem, Routledge, 2016).
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